手の外科 業績
- Treatment of advanced Kienbock’s disease by using a lunate plasty combined with capitate shortening. The 5th Congress of the Asia Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand International proceedings Medimond (Italy) 2004, 145-148.
- Treatment of progressive necrosis of the lunate bone (Kienbock disease) after unsuccessful radial osteotomy: Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2007;18: 1-5.
- Skin defects covered using medialis pedis flaps after correction of severe flexion contracture of the big toes due to plantar fibromatosis—a case report. J Ortho Sci 2006;11(1): 103-109.
- The Outcome of perioperative humeral condylar fractures in total elbow arthroplasty in RA patients. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2007;89(B): 62-65.
- Treatment of avascular necrosis of the capitulum of a humerus by using a free vascularized osteoperiosteal graft from the medial condyle of the femur.. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007;18;1-5.
- Functioning transferred free muscle innervated by part of the vascularized ulnar nerve connecting the contralateral cervical seventh root to the median nerve: Case report. J Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury. 2: 18, 2007.
- Treatment of post-traumatic painful neuromas at the fingertip using neurovascular island flaps. J Hand Surg 2008;33A(3): 348-352.
- Factors Affecting the Success of Arterialised Venous Flaps in the Hand. Injury 2008;Supple 4:18-24.
- Reconstruction of a phalangeal bone using a vascularized metacarpal bone graft nourished by a dorsal metacarpal artery. Injury 2008;Supple 4: 25-28.
- Transverse and longitudinal osteotomy for the treatment of macrodactylia simplex congenita- a case report. Hand Surgery 2008; 13(2): 121-128.
- Soft-tissue injury in orthopaedic trauma. Injury 2008; Supple 4: 3-17.
- The volar approach to proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg 2009 Mar;13(1):47-53.
- Resection arthroplasty of the shoulder. Minerva Orthopedica e traumatologica 2009; 60 (1): 47-52.
- Revision carpal tunnel syndrome. Minerva Orthopedica e traumatologica 2009; 60 (1): 119-127.
- Comparison between partial ulnar and intercostal nerve transfers for reconstructing elbow flexion in patients with upper brachial plexus injuries. J Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury. 2010; 26: 4-8.
- Hand and wrist infections in the intravenous drug abuser. Current Orthopedic Practice. 2010; 21(6): 573-576.
- A comparison of workers’ compensation patients and nonworkers’ compensation patients undergoing endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Hand Surg 2010; 15: 75-80.
- Treatment of a type 3B hypoplastic thumb using extra phalanges from the contralateral duplicated thumb: case report. J Hand Surg Am 2011;36(9):1492-1496
- Simultaneous reconstruction of a palmar skin defect and digital artery with an arterialized venous flap after correction of camptodactyly with severe flexion deformity. Hand 2011:6(4):445-449.
- Open wedge flexion osteotomy of the matacarpal neck for the avascular necrosis of the third metacarpal head: Case report. Hand Surg 2012;17(2): 251-253.
- Phalangeal fracture. Current Orhtopedic Practice 2012;23(4): 273-283.
- Morphology and histology of the collapsed lunate in adavanced Kienbock disease. Hand Surg 2013 in press
- A modified tension band wiring technique for treatment of the bony mallet finger. Hand Surg 2013 in press.